

I love you. I hate you. I love him. I hate him. We’re friends. We’re not friends. I’m happy. I’m sad. Life is great. Today is the worst day of my life. The daily swing of emotions I experienced going into my teenage years is something I’ll never forget. Although I tried, I never could get a grasp on them. Without rhyme or reason, they were always changing.

If I could go back and have a conversation with my 13-year-old self, I would tell her that everything in life changes. Especially her feelings. One day things are well and the very next day things are falling apart. It’s just how life goes. Change is inevitable. I would tell her not to focus on how she feels or her thoughts on a given day, but to focus on the one thing that is eternal and stands firm in the heavens, GOD’S WORD.

Truth #4


“Your word, Lord, is eternal;
    it stands firm in the heavens.” (Psalm 119:89 NIV)




“I’ll be at your locker after school. I got your back. I’m not going to let them jump you. I promise. I’ll be there.” These were the words I told my friend when a few girls at our school wanted to fight her. I didn’t go to her locker after school. I went home. She was disappointed in me. Really disappointed. The truth is…I didn’t want to be involved. It was her battle. I didn’t want to fight for her.

If I could go back and have a conversation with my 13-year-old self, I would tell her that God is the only one she needs to fight her battles. Although it’s nice to have friends, God is the most important friend she’ll ever have. I would tell her that even her best friend is going to disappoint her and let her down. It’s not her fault. She’s imperfect. It’s a result of sin. And I would remind her that even when her friend is not at her locker after school, God will be there and ready to fight for her.

Truth #5


“One of your men puts to flight a thousand, for the LORD your God is He who fights for you, just as He promised you.” (Joshua 23:10 NASB)




“I’ll be right back. I promise. I’ll be right back.” We were going to Chuck E. Cheese and I was so excited. We all got ready, sat on the couch, and waited for him to come back. We never went to Chuck E. Cheese that day and I was devastated. “But he promised”, I thought to myself as the realization sunk in that we weren’t going. There were a lot of broken promises and eventually I started breaking promises too.

If I could go back and have a conversation with my 13-year-old self, I would tell her that God is the only one who always keep His promises. People are imperfect and, as much as they try not to, they disappoint us and let us down. Even the people that love us the most. It’s the result of sin. I would tell her to focus on the promises of God and to extend grace to those around her who make promises and can’t honor them. Because eventually she’ll break a promise too.

Truth #6

God is a Promise Keeper

“Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.” (Joshua 21:45 NIV)
